What a summer it has been at Bread and Roses. Our new renovations were clearly a big hit. We had lines out the door almost every morning and night. The kitchen was buzzing almost twenty hours a day - mixers whirring with batters, ovens full of breads, big chewy cookies, cakes, flakey croissants, muffins, scones and pies. The bakers are busy day and night preparing delicious pastries, decorating a special cake, making fresh lunches and breakfast pastries.
In the shop, the esprresso machine and coffee brewer are going full tilt. We often sell hundreds of cappuccinos. lattes and perfectly brewed Carpe Diem coffees before noon. The lines for pastry wind out the door. The servers work hard to smile, fill the baskets and get your order all at the same time. We rush about cleaning the counters and the glass, wiping the porch tables, stocking the shelves, napkins and lids. Controlled chaos.
The cashiers stand ready to make sure you have everything you need, and that you have a wonderful experience at Bread and Roses. They interpret some bleary eyed requests for that morning coffee, assist a newcomer in navigating the system, and try really hard to make your day great.
The anchor in all of this is Hallie Woods. Hallie first started working at Bread and Roses when she was a freshman at Wells High School. She is always positive and cheerful - ready to assist you in any way. Her mind is a computer at warp speed and she can intuit what you need long before you know. Day in and day out she has been at the register every morning serving customers and processing hundreds of transactions. Hallie is a true team player. She is always willing to what ever is needed for the business and always with a positive attitude. She is the person who has had the difficult job of keeping the customers happy, and keeping her focus with lines out the door, while smiling and representing me- even on some trying days when customers can make you cry and you can't even get a drink of water because it's just too busy.
At the beginning of the season, we decided we would choose one person who best promoted Bread and Roses Bakery and reward them with a prize.
I am so fortunate to have so many amazing people working together every day. This is hard work and I am continuously amazed at how positive the energy is.
Congratulations and a profound thank you to Hallie Woods for your eight years of hard work. Bread and Roses Bakery is a great place because of Hallie. Thanks Hallie and best of luck as you begin your senior year at Middlebury College.
congratulations Hallie!