Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 9th Opening Day!

From all of us at Bread and Roses, thanks so much to everyone who stopped by, phoned, tweeted and talked about us on Facebook.  We have gone social and finding our fans and followers.  Come along,  find us on Twitter, follow us on Facebook and Foursquare!  We are taking the plunge and learning new tools to stay connected to our customers.  Join us on social media to hear about our specials, promotions and the work we do with our charities and causes.

We appreciate the support from our family, friends and community.  Seeing the smiling faces as customers opened the door and walked into our bright and spacious bakery, we are so happy to be open for our new season!  Like any opening day, we  had a few snags and thanks to a great team, we are working them out. 

Seeing family, friends and our regular customers was sweet! Listen to why people keep coming back year after year.  

We had brand new ones too!  We hope they came back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your season opener! The new renovations look great!
